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Mapping Motivators

Guide your career with an exercise of thoughtful reflection

How much recognition do you need?

How much feedback do you need?

How much challenging work do you need?

How much direction and guidance do you need?

How much responsibility do you need?

How much time with manager do you need?

How much collaboration with others do you need?

How much flexibility do you need?

How much focus on impact do you need?

How much learning and training do you need?

How much autonomy do you need?

How much structure do you need?

How much clarity on priorities do you need?

How much time to reflect do you need?

How much interaction with others do you need?

How much planning and organization do you need?

How much work time do you need?

How much opportunity to be creative do you need?

How much consistency do you need?

How much variety of work do you need?

How much process and procedure do you need?

How much deadlines do you need?

How much accountability do you need?

How much influence do you need?

How much connection with your team do you need?

How much balance do you need?

How much growth opportunity do you need?

How much ability to disagree do you need?

How much openness to different ideas do you need?

How much connections beyond our team do you need?

Your manager wants to know what you want more and less of to stay engaged and perform at your best. Select a total of three so you can discuss together. Click "Next" when you've made your selections in each category.


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Here are your top selections. Answer the questions below, then download and share with your manager to discuss.



Please share why you chose the items you did.
How will changes in these areas improve your engagement and/or performance?
What support is needed from me (your manager) to make these changes?



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